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Multiframe helps structural experts check the structure of their vessel to comply with class requirements and optimise it for strength and weight. It can be used for deck grillage, frame, superstructure and mast strength calculations.

When designing a steel or aluminium vessel, there are a range of structural analysis approaches which can be used to assess the ship’s structural capacity and compliance with class requirements. Multiframe is a general purpose beam and plate element based system which allows you to very quickly model and analyse ship structures and carry out static or dynamic analyses of their structural behaviour. It is an ideal complement to the more time consuming full finite element analysis and less accurate spreadsheet calculations.

Multiframe can load in a geometry file from Structure or any other structural modelling system, and then provides a wide range of tools to apply structural properties like restraints, materials and section shapes. Facilities are included to create a family of load cases and then perform a static or dynamic analysis. Static results can be reviewed in terms of displays of actions, stresses and deflections. Dynamic results include natural frequencies and mode shapes or more detailed time history results for time varying loads.

Webinar: Structural Response of Marine Structures
● Exporting ship structures from MAXSURF Modeler
● Advanced plate meshing techniques in Multiframe
● Calculating sea motion loads
● Environmental load cases in Multiframe